Enertronica Santerno: a purchase agreement worth around Euro 0.5 million, has been signed for the supply of a storage system, complete with batteries

Enertronica Santerno S.p.A. (“Enertronica Santerno” or “Company”), a company listed on the AIM Italia market, a multilateral trading system organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (“AIM Italia”), herby communicates that the Company has signed a contract for the supply of a Battery Energy Storage System with a leading TSO (Transmission System Operator) operating in Latam.

The supply relates to an energy storage system and confirms the Company’s constant focus on developing storage solutions that relate both to management of network stability and optimising flows and to the infrastructures associated with electric vehicle charging systems. Storage is, in fact, a solid and developing sector: there was only a reduction in installations in March and April 2020, as a result of the lockdown caused by the health emergency. The excellent performance of the subsequent months, starting in June and particularly good in July, when there was a peak, on the Italian market alone, of 2,069 installations, more than made up for this drop.

At 31 March 2021, 43,784 storage systems associated with photovoltaic plants had been installed in Italy. This figure has been published in a new report on the energy storage sector by Anie Rinnovabili. The total capacity is 272 MW and the maximum capacity used is 583MWh. The supply is worth around Euro 0.5 million and delivery is due to take place during 2022, therefore, the economic effects of the contract will be mainly concentrated in 2022.